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Friday, April 11, 2008

World of Warcraft Karazhan Guide: Romulo & Julianne Opera House Walkthrough

Romulo and Julianne (based on Romeo & Juliet of course) is one of the three possible random encounters your raid might get when you enter the Opera House in Karazhan. The other two can be found here:

Wizard of Oz

Big Bad Wolf

Ideal Group Composition:

1 Warrior Tank (or an overgeared druid/paladin main tank)

1 Decently Geared Offtank

3 Healers (1 with de-poison)

2 DPS /w Consistent Spell Interrupt (Rogue, Shaman etc.)

3 Other DPS

By now your raid should have acquired 4-5 epics to go along with those level 70 quest blues, and maybe a couple crafted or PvP epics as well. Even if so, you may run into some trouble with Romulo & Julianne. It is a fight whose difficulty lies almost entirely in your raid's ability to coordinate.

Romulo & Julianne is a three phase fight. I will outline each phase here:

Phase 1 - Just Julianne

First off, you just fight Julianne. We have our offtank pick her up as he will be the one tanking her later (you'll see). The offtank pulls her into a corner of the stage.

Julianne needs to have someone that can interrupt spells on her at all times. All other spells can be ignored (though it helps to interrupt them), but the massive healing spell she casts called Eternal Affection MUST be interrupted every single time. She also casts an aura on herself that increases her spell damage output - this can be dispelled by a priest, warlock felhunter, shaman purge, mage spellsteal, warrior shield slam and hunter arcane shot. Whew, that's a lot of things that can get rid of her aura, now get rid of it already!

Beyond that, all that's left for stage 1 is to simply DPS her down. Healers will need to be on the ball and cross-healing the raid, as she casts spells somewhat erratically. Make sure she drops in that corner now, that will be important later.

Phase 2 - Just Romulo

In phase two you just fight Romulo. He also has a buff that he casts on himself, though he does not need to be interrupted. He should be picked up by the main (preferably warrior) tank and disarmed as often as possible, as this lowers his DPS a whole lot.

The main tank drags him to the opposite corner from Julianne's corpse and should be tanked with his back to the wall. This is because Romulo uses an ability called Backward Lunge that does a knockback only to people standing behind him. He also uses an ability called Poisoned Thrust that gives the target a debuff that reduces their stats by 10%, stacking multiple times. This needs to be de-poisoned ASAP.

Romulo is a pretty straightforward warrior-type tank 'n spank boss. Just keep DPSing him and again, make sure that he dies in a corner, because now...

Phase 3 - Romulo & Julianne

Now, you must fight both Romulo & Julianne at the same time! They both resurrect and are picked up by their tanks, with the warrior (main tank) on Romulo. They are tanked in the same positions. The problem is, they need to die within ~10 seconds of one another or the other one will resurrect again! Also, Julianne will now try to heal both herself and Romulo. For these reasons, it is necessary to split up your DPS.

Generally, we use our Melee DPS and interrupts on Julianne and our ranged DPS on Romulo. For us this might be for example a Rogue and Enhancement Shaman on Julianne with a Hunter and Mage on Romulo, while our Affliction Warlock keeps DoTs ticking on both of them. Again, Julianne's spells must be interrupted at all costs.

Also members of the raid need to call out over Ventrilo (or Teamspeak, or whatever Internet Voice Program you're using) each 10% on each boss, at least at first. For example we call out "Romulo 90%", "Julianne 80%" and so on, all the way until they get to 10%. When they get to 10%, we will tell everyone to slightly slow down their DPS, then when they are at 5% we will pause DPS momentarily. We then pull them both to the middle of the room so that any AoE classes can AoE, as well as rogues can pop Blade Flurry and so on. The raid leader calls out for DPS to re-start, and the two of them should hopefully die quickly.

If you're having trouble with Romulo & Julianne, then practice is probably the key. If you're gotten this far into Karazhan successfully and find yourself stuck here, don't fret. The Romulo & Julianne event is probably the most challenging event in the Opera House in Karazhan, and it may take your raid a good 6-8 tries to get it down to a science.

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